Allowance app for kids and teens
Till’s allowance feature empowers parents to fully customize and automate allowance payments, with funds sent directly to a kids debit card, offering a personalized and cashless solution.

Automate allowance
It's time to make allowance easier. No more cash or quarters. No more calendar reminders to pay your kids' allowance. Pick a day and an amount and Till will automatically send the money when you choose.
Manage allowance your way
Set your kid's allowance amount, allowance frequency, and day allowance is paid out. You can also pause or skip allowance at any time.

Welcome to cashless allowance
As society becomes increasingly cashless, we need to prepare our kids for the economic reality they'll be entering. And that reality looks a lot more like swiping and tap-to-pay, and less like digging for change and cash.
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Jobs for 10-Year-Olds: Kid-Friendly Ways to Earn Pocket Money